Each person experiences trauma differently and processes traumatic events through their own lens of prior experiences. Trauma can cause increased anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, depression, anger, guilt, intrusive flashbacks, and/or physical symptoms. Our therapists offer a safe and secure environment to those who are experiencing the stress and lasting effects of trauma. We work with clients who have had experienced various traumas to discover their own strength and resources to heal and to feel safe again. Through therapeutic interventions, we support client as they establish a greater sense of empowerment, a better understanding of automatic responses, and improved coping strategies. It is never too late to heal from trauma.
EMDR provides a way for people to free themselves from destructive memories, and it seems to work, even in cases where years of conventional therapy have failed.
— ABC News 20/20
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is a specific trauma therapy approach that we are offer at Compass Counseling.
EMDR focuses on the brain’s ability to constantly learn, taking past experiences, and updating them with present information. As with most therapy approaches, EMDR focuses on the individual’s present concerns. The EMDR approach believes past emotionally-charged experiences are overly influencing your present emotions, sensations, and thoughts about yourself. As an example: “Do you ever feel worthless although you know you are a worthwhile person?”
EMDR processing helps you break through the emotional blocks that are keeping you from living an adaptive, emotionally healthy life. EMDR breaks through that interference and helps let go of the past and update your experiences to a healthier present perspective.
In certain circumstances, EMDR can be done in conjunction with individual therapy or couples therapy and can be used with a wide range of clients. EMDR is also effective for those with anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and other mental health concerns.
Please give us a call to talk more about whether EMDR is right for you.